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  • Maria Northcott
  • Te Rangimarie Pakau

Ngā mihi mō ngā īmēra me ngā reta – Greetings and sign-offs for emails and letters

Formal greeting

Tēnā koe

Tēnā koe, e te rangatira
Expresses the idea of leadership and respect

E te rangatira, tēnā koe
Also expresses the idea of leadership and respect

Tēnā kōrua
Addressing two people

Tēnā koutou
Addressing more than two people

Tēnā koutou, e te whānau
Addressing more than two, the family

Tēnā koutou, e ngā Kaiwhakahaere
Addressing more than two, the managers / organisers

Informal greeting

Kia ora
Hello / Hi

Kia ora rā
Hello / Hi

Kia ora mai rā
Hello / Hi

Kia ora mai anō
Hello again (anō = again)

Kia ora e hoa
Hello friend

Kia ora e hoa mā
Hello friends (‘mā’ is more than one person)

Kia ora e te whānau
Hi everyone

Kia ora anō tātou e te iwi kāinga o Manaaki Tāngata
Hi again from all of us at Victim Support

Concluding remarks

Ngā mihi
Thank you / acknowledgements

Ngā mihi ki a koe / kо̄rua / koutou
Thank you / you both / you all

Kāti ake i kо̄nei
Enough said

Kua mutu pea i kо̄nei
Enough said / best finish here

Noho mai rā i roto i ngā manaakitanga katoa
May you remain well

Kia tau rā ngā manaakitanga ki a koutou katoa / kia koe / ki a kо̄rua
May you be well

Noho ora mai
Stay well / may you remain well

Hei konā mai
Goodbye for now

Hei konā mai i roto i ngā mihi
Goodbye and thank you

Hei konā mai me te aroha
With affection / fond regards

Ākū mihi nui kia a koe / kо̄rua / koutou
Many thanks to you / you two / you (three or more)

Signing off


Nāku, nā
Yours faithfully, followed by your name

Nāku noa, nā
Yours sincerely / humbly, followed by your name (very formal)


By / from / owned by, followed by your name